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January 22nd, 2008 at 09:23 pm

It's been a busy January. We have been in contact with the people for the cabin and it is now a sore subject. We are no longer building a cabin. When we got right down to the constructiion of the home it was just way too expensive. The kit was affordable but we had no idea of the expense of putting it together. The total would have come to 436,000.00 and that price was just for the shell. It did not iclude the kitchen , bathrooms or flooring on the main level of the home. I was just so surprised. I figured with housing the way it is today that we could have gotten a decent quote but no way! So the project is on hold until we reach a new plan for the property. We will probably go wtih a stick frame house.

As you can see my savings account went way down. That is b/c I purchased a bunch of stock on the down turn. It will be fun growing it again. Now that we are not building a home it frees us up quite a bit.

My health insurance company is going out of business after 14 years of being with the plan. I received a letter from them that I would have to start looking for a new insurance provider. As of December 31st I ahve not had insurance and have been busy scrambling around trying to find a decent contract that was similiar to what we had. I found one today and enrolled. I am hoping that we will be enrolled for the beginning of February. I went with the Oxford group which is good b/c my doctors are in the plan as well as my hospital.

Vacation and Wedding

September 7th, 2007 at 06:26 pm

Vacation was great! Went to St. John and stayed at a very nice resort. The place was just beautiful and well maintained. Everything was very pricey. To try to save some money we ate only breakfast and dinner and skipped lunch. At dinner we only had water with our meals. We took a few excursions which cost big bucks but when it comes to scuba,snorkeling and fishing in the waters around the islands there is nothing like it. So it is a justified expense.

My stepdaughter's wedding on St. Thomas was okay. It was very hot and on the beach. She had about 50 people there. Mostly family and a few close friends of the bride and groom. Her gown was beautiful. And everyone behaved themselves(big potential for words and fists to be thrown). We gave her a very large cash gift. For which we have not heard a thank you from as of yet. I guess she thinks easy come easy go. Who knows? I'm just glad it is over!!!! Life returns back to normal.

Back at work and things are slow again. I hope it picks up next week when we are back on regular schedule.

What was I Thinking?

August 9th, 2007 at 09:03 pm

Dinner with DS was really great! We had a very nice time and it is so good to see him doing so well for himself. His apartment is very cute and he has it decorated so nicely. He has recently been collecting antiques. His newest purchase was an old victrola. It is such a beautiful piece of furniture. Other than his antiques he lives very frugally. Even the antiques he does buy he gets them from thrift stores or give aways and ebay.

I am so pissed at myself. Today I went to pay my bills on billpay gathered them all up and as I was paying them realized that one of the bills to the cc company was due yesterday. God, I can't stand those late fees...which by the way will be more than what I put on the CC. It just kills me. I should be more careful but for some reason I had it in my head that all the bills were due around the same time.
I thought I had a good system but I have to do better.

Purchased some shares today of AT&T,Kraft Foods and Pfizer. Put two books up on

Fell off the Frugal Wagon

July 19th, 2007 at 06:06 pm

Frugal things I have been doing this week:
Went to the library,took out a few books on saving money b/c i have been very bad these past two months. So , I thought that I needed a refresher. Took out a cookbook Favorite recipes from around the world. Haven't had any dinners out this week. I also rented childrens books in Spanish. I am trying to refresh my high school spanish so that I can understand some of our clients a little better. Returned bottles. Rented from Red Box instead of big name place. I also self treated my dog for his dermatitis condition and avoided a big vet bill. And guess what it worked. My dog is doing so much better.

Today I have to go to Lord and Taylor and pay off the full balance on the card. My daughter and I needed new dresses to wear to my step daughter's wedding in August. Being that I have to pay off the entire balance so that I do not incur a finance charge there will be little left to save this week.

On another note, I received my 55.00 sign on bonus with Share
Builder today. That was a nice surprise. It's strange that they don't dispurse the money into already selected funds, instead they open a money market account and the money is placed there.

4th of July Plans

June 28th, 2007 at 10:10 pm

For the 4th of July hubby and I decided to go upstate again and try to speak to someone about the log cabin. This time we actually have an appointment on a Saturday afternoon. We will spend a few days up there and we also decided to take a quick trip to Montreal.

Montreal happens to be one of my favorite cities. The people are friendly and it is very clean and well cared for. Their public transportation system is excellent. My daughter also loves it there, she will be going in Sept. to see a concert and staying over night.

With regards to this trip, last night I was trying to find a good rate on a room. I didn't want to spend a lot of money since I really don't spend much time in the room(just to sleep). I tried It was kind of strange. This was my first time using this site. You select which grade of room you would be interested in and the price, without knowing the hotel name or it's exact location. They tell you the ammenties and its general location and that is all the information you get until you pay. After you pay they give you the name of the hotel, the address and then you are able to access the hotel's website directly. I was afraid to submit payment. I had my daughter telling me not to and my husband saying what the heck go ahead and try it out. After submitting payment, I found out that I was given the Omni hotel in downtown Montreal which is a 5 star hotel for 103.00/night plus tax. Wow I couldn't believe my good luck. Now I just have to wait and see the room. My daughter is still warning me. She said that they will be booking me in the broom closet. We will see. I will let you know how it worked out when I get back.

Today was pay day and I am happy to report that I was able to put most of it away into savings. Hubby and I picked our 2 DRIPS for the month.

Summer is moving along so fast...My tomatoe plants have sprouted tomatoes in the last two days(sooo cute). I sure hope they taste good.

Happy June 1st

June 2nd, 2007 at 01:10 am

Most of my projects are completed at this point. In September I will start the floors. The deck came out beautiful and I am very happy with it. Total cost including materials $1500.00. Not bad. It is a very large deck, it runs the width of our house.

I didn't save anything this week b/c I had to replace what I took out of savings for the deck. I didn't charge any of it.

The stock market is doing well this week and I just checked on my IRA and it is doing great.

I think that I am on target with most of my goals that I set in January. Now that today is June 1st and pretty much the half way mark. I think I will have accomplished most of what I set out to do by December. Hopefully the weight issue as well.

All in all it has been a very good and productive week.

Some Savings/Some Spending

May 6th, 2007 at 10:17 pm

Went food shopping yesterday and today. Saved 37.00 with in store savings and coupons. DD is finally getting the hang of making her own sandwiches and bringing them to school to save herself some money.

DD and I went out to dinner last night to an Argentinian rest. and then went to the movies. Total was 65.00 but we hadn't done that in a while and it was a lot of fun.

Yesterday, brought a lot of yard work. Planted some nice baskets and sanded and spray painted the lawn furniture. Filled in some wholes with some top soil that I purchased on sale. Sometimes my doggies are a real pain in the neck with their digging.

Tonight I plan on making some steaks that I purchased on sale yesterday, potatoe and salad.

Did a bunch of laundry today and a whole lot of ironing. Vacuumed and washed the floors. Time to relax now. Have to rest up for work tomorrow.


April 25th, 2007 at 06:30 pm

It has been a very busy two days. We are in the process of hiring two new people and working short handed. We did receive many applications but so many were not right for the job. Or they were asking too much money to start. I hope by Friday we find somebody that is easy to work with and reliable.

On the financial side of things, it seems to be going pretty well. Other than food shopping, there hasn't been any real money being spent. No new purchases other than the roof.

I bought a bunch of food yesterday to make ahead for the rest of the week. I have to get started on this afternoon. I have Salmon and about 5lbs of chopmeat that need to be divided and then cooked or put into the freezer.

I also have to get started on the backyard. The front yard looks great! The back needs alot of attention. Better sign off now so I can get to it!

An Exhausting Day

April 24th, 2007 at 12:38 am

Today was exhausting. Running around like a chicken without a head. I got up at 6 am to let the dogs out and then they wouldn't let me go back to sleep. I stayed up and did some ironing and wash. Cleaned up a bit did the dishes and then went to work. Work was very busy especially working short handed. On lunch I came home vaccumed the floors and put up another load of wash and paid bills online. Went back to work then had to run out to the bank. When I got back it was so busy it didn't stop until 6pm. Needless to say at that point I didn't even want to begin to think about dinner. I stopped by a pizzeria and picked up a couple of hot hero's for hubby and me. No sooner did we sit down and the roofer came over to discuss the estimate with us. We gave hime a deposit of $1170.00, so, that and the 12.00 for the hero's is what was shelled out today. The remaing balance will be paid with my tax refund. Now I get to relax or so I hope.

Necessary Maintenance

April 12th, 2007 at 02:53 pm

I spent some money on myself. I decided that I didn't like the feeling or the look of letting myself go... another minute longer.
Dental appointment for cleaning and exam cost 117.00.
Manicure 7.00 with a 3.00 tip=10.00.
Hair color 60.00 at the salon.
Hair cut at the salon 65.00. Tips for haircut and color 25.00.
It may seem like a lot of money but I have to tell you that I feel and look 100% better than I did before I went to have all this maintenance done. I was going to call it pampering but at my age it really is a necessity, so therefore I will call it maintenance. I vowed to myself that I would not let myself go that long again between visits. The last time I had an overhaul like this was in October. I am going to commit to every three months from here on in. In between the three months I will color my hair myself and get my nails done every two to three weeks.

Regarding the dental visit, everything went very well. My teeth and gums are in pretty good shape. I just have to be very vigilant about the flossing. Big money saver there. No expensive procedures. Good thing. I don't have dental insurance.

At this point in my life, my goal is to keep myself healthy and looking good for as long as I can while trying to save for a comfortable retirement.

My Saturday

April 8th, 2007 at 12:45 am

The new lay out is pretty cool. Much easier to read and nicely organized. The only thing that I would add is spell check.

I got the estimate for the new roof today. It is going to run about 12,000.00 and that is not including gutters. I don't know if that is a good price or not since I do not know the prices when it comes to construction and such. The work will be guaranteed for 30 years. I have another estimate on the way from the guy who came on Thursday. I'm wondering if he will be in the same ball park with his price. I am debating on taking out a short term loan for this, the floors and the deck. I think I will check out Capital One and see what their rates are like.

My DD came home from Cozumel and she is now a certified SCUBA diver. Yeah!

I spent most of today getting ready for tomorrow, as I am hosting Easter at my house. I ordered the food and got alot of decorations , sternos and tins from the dollar store. This is actually the first time I got a chance to sit and relax today. The puppy even got a bath today so that she smells nice tomorrow for the company.

The accountant called today and said that my taxes were finished and that he would be electronically filing them. He said that I would be receiving a return and that I could have it by direct deposit. I thought that was pretty cool and decided to do it that way.

After all the repairs my car is running like a champ. I just hope she keeps it up.

I hope all of you have a Happy Easter and a Joyful Passover.

Spend Fest

February 15th, 2007 at 04:42 pm

Yesterday was a spend fest for me. I needed to update the condo upstate with a few new things. First, I went to Ikea and spent about 50.00. Next, I went to Walmart and bought two very nice mirrors, shower curtain, towels, bath mat etc. Total there was 200.00. Put this all on my CC. Which I intend to pay off in full, once the bill comes in. I took up two new hobbies, crocheting and beading, spent about 60.00 in supplies. My mom is teaching me how to crochet. Can't wait until I'm not so spastic with handling the hook and the wool at the same time.

Tomorrow is pay day and I'm hoping to be able to save most of it. This month has been a pretty tough month for me to save. I don't know why? Maybe it is b/c of the winter bla's? I hope to get back on track very soon.

Since it has been so cold here I have been cooking and baking up a storm. I don't like going out into the cold. Since I have been baking I've also been eating more than I usually do. I'm afraid to get on the scale tomorrow.Frown

New Battery

January 28th, 2007 at 11:40 pm

Well, as mentioned in my previous post, I thought that my car was fixed. A jump start a little water to the battery and good as new, right? Of course not! I was going to go to the movies this afternoon. I got in the car and it would not start. I called my brother and he came over and put a new battery in my car. Good as new! I never new they had a rating. The one that went bad I purchased two years ago( in my mind I thought that it was only this past summer). I purchased the same one today,so in about two years I will go through the same scenario. I'm glad that my brother is mechanically handy like he is and was able to help me out.

Ebay and Some Other Things

January 25th, 2007 at 10:14 pm

Today was pay day. I was able to save some of it, not all. I figure some is better than none. Went to lunch today with DD and Hubby. It was very, very good. Next stop was the new Walmart that openned on Monday. Spent $60.00 there. Not on things that I needed either. I get so overwhelmed by the low prices that I think that everything is a good deal so I don't think twice about putting it in the basket. Then after the register is finished ringing everything up, I get in the car and think what did I buy that cost so much? Oh well, I know that the things I bought today will be put to good use. It's just that I really didn't need any of it.

I have a few items up on E-bay that are ending in a few hours. No bidders as of yet. I hope that I at least sell something. Even if I don't it won't be to bad b/c I had posted the auctions last Thursday when they were running a sale so it only cost 0.20 to post.
Hubby is posting his auctions for the week as I write. He seems to do pretty well with his auctions but he also has been doing it for quite a while and has learned a few things along the way.

Another Spending Day!

January 17th, 2007 at 10:09 pm

Today was a repeat of yesterday. Spend, spend, spend. I had to buy a wireless router for DD. We have a few computers in the house and the router we were using was very temperamental. Sometimes the signal was good and at times it was very weak. DD wasn't able to use her computer upstairs. I opted for the strongest router. The one I purchase looked as though you could send a signal to Mars. I imagine it should last us quite a while. The price was 141.00. Today I had to do more food shopping to the tune of 76.00. I didn't have too many coupons this week with me, so I was a little disappointed. Oh well! Other than those two things I have been pretty good. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were taken care of at home.
Received a rebate check in the mail for $2.00 that will go towards the 20.00 challenge.

Can't Seem to Save ...

January 16th, 2007 at 02:27 pm

I went upstate this weekend with my brother and two nephews. I had to come home early yesterday b/c of the weather. Upstate New York was getting the same ice storm that the south and mid west were. I got an early start towards heading back home yesterday b/c I wanted to get ahead of the storm. Even still the roads were still very icey and slippery. It was very slow going but I made it home with the boys safe and sound.

On the financial aspect of the trip it was very expensive for just two full days.
Gas 45.00
Tolls 25.00
Mc Donalds 13.00
Food Store 56.00
Dinner 2 nights 140.00
Movie tickets 28.00
Thank Goodness I don't do this all the time!
It was very nice spending time with them, so I guess the money was well spent.

Today will be a spend day as well. I have to go food shopping, pet supply shopping and home shopping. This week I will not be able to save my pay again. 100% will be going out to bills. These bills are my fixed expenses not CC or loans.

First Timer with Restaurant .com

January 12th, 2007 at 12:31 am

Today was payday and unfortunately it was applied 100% to the CC. This is a good thing b/c then I will have paid the balance in full and not have incurred a finance charge. Five dollars was deposited to the 20.00 challenge. In a small way I did manage to save a little something this week.

Hubby took me and DD out for dinner this evenning Tex/Mex. We used one of our dining certificates. Spend 35.00 get 25.00 off. I purchased 6 of these certificates to different restaurants a few weeks ago and was able to get 90% off. For the 6 certificates I paid 13.00. Tonights dinner savings more than paid for the cost of the certificates. made dinner that much more enjoyable.

A Walk In The Park

January 7th, 2007 at 09:15 pm

Another great day today. The weather in NY has been gorgeous. Today Hubby, DD and I went for a three mile walk on the Jones Beach Boardwalk. The ocean was so beautiful and calm. It was pretty crowded though. I guess a lot of people had the same idea. Well the cost for that was free.

Tonight we are going out for Sushi. Yummy! That won't be cheap but it will be a great ending to the weekend.

A Very Nice Day

January 7th, 2007 at 12:51 am

Today was such a nice day. The weather in NY was just beautiful. This has been the warmest January that I can remember(70). Went to the park and did a two mile walk with DD. We had a great time(Free). Then we went to the movies to see The Holiday which was a very good love story($14.00). Had some Pizza for lunch($5.75). Next, on to the mall to buy a 2007 calender. 50% off, total= 7.50. Took in Mexican for dinnner 34.00. Not a cheap day but a very good one.

Being Thankful

December 30th, 2006 at 02:51 pm

Christmas was fantastic. It was spent with my family. We had great food and great fun. The puppy couldn't stay away from the Chrsitmas tree. She nearly depleted my ornament collection, by the time Christmas day rolled around we had taken everything off the tree and had a naked Christmas tree. We got to meet DD's new boyfriend. He seems like a very nice person so I hope it works out for them. My son came to visit from the city and as always it was so good to see him.

Financially, We did not go over the top, too much, as in previous years. I do have a balance on my credit card but I hope to pay it off in two cycles. I have been selling items on Ebay and in attempt to declutter my home and to earn a little cash. Things have been moving slowly but at least it's something. Work has been pretty busy this past week for which we are counting our blessings. I was able to save 100% of my pay, which is the last pay period of the year. I didn't have to do any food shopping, since we lived on leftovers this week and the monthly bills were paid with last weeks pay check.

Tomorrow hubby and I are going to sit down together and write out our personal and financial goals for the new year. I'm sort of excited about this. I always look forward to goals. This year has been very good to us and our family, for which I am extremely thankful.

Last night, I saw the movie Little Miss Sunshine. I really enjoyed it.


December 22nd, 2006 at 02:09 am

Today was payday and it is all gone. It is all for Christmas presents. Mostly cash gifts. My credit card has also been getting a good work out. I always get socked this time of year and it usually takes me until February to pay for everything and get back to normal I have to say that I don't think that I have spent as much as I have in previous years. I don't really keep track as I am spending it just gets me sad. I don't really feel to thrifty or frugal this time of year.

We put up our tree today. It is real. We purchased it from Home Depot. It makes the house smell wonderful. I am having a hard time keeping the puppy away from it. Tomorrow I will decorate it. I am having my parents over for Christmas. Which is a surprise. Since they never come to my house. So I went out today and made a catering order to one of my favorite Italian restaurants. It wasn't too expensive but there I go spending again. I think what the heck...I've come this far why not go out with a bang.

In the mix of all this spending I was able to put some frugality into the mix. I negotiated a better finance rate for my DD's CC. Just one phone call and I got her 20.4% down to 11%. Plus they will be sending her a new card that has rewards on it without a yearly fee. I received a small payment from the books I sold from

Read two books by Marian Keyes, Watermelon amd Sushi for Beginners...cute.

Still feel like I have lots more to do.

Rambling About My Week

December 16th, 2006 at 12:44 am

Ended the week feeling pretty good about the savings I have accomplished. Although going to the city to see the show with DD was quite expensive, it isn't a frequent thing that we do. The last time I went with her to see a show was about 2 years ago. The rest of the week was pretty frugal. I saved $75.00 at the food store and I have basically made all three meals at home this week. I went to the thrift store and purchased some really nice childrens books for my nephews which I plan on giving them for Christmas along with their store bought gifts. The Childrens books are only .25 at the thrift store. I gave my brother $50.00 for his BDay and it was very much appreciated. I was also able to save about 90% of my paycheck. Next week is going to be a killer though. I will not be saving a dime. I am giving my parents cash for Christmas b/c they never like or use anything I pick out for them so I give them cash so that they can do as they please with it. I still have to get hubby a few more stocking stuffer gifts. I have to get the 2 girls I work with a little something and the mailman. Oh and my sons girlfriend.

On Dec. 31st hubby and I are going to go over the savings and spending plans for 2007 and review how we did this past year. I already know that we have done pretty well but that is vague.
When we review 2006 it will be spot on, so I am anxiuos to find out. I think this is a great way to celebrate the New Year.

Ho, Ho, Ho, Over The Web I Go...

December 9th, 2006 at 02:17 pm

This Christmas season I have done practically all of my shopping over the internet. I have to tell you ...I Love It. I hear the girls at work complaining about the lines they waited on and the pushing and shoving and line cutting they experienced and I think I'm so glad that's not me.

I have watched certain sites and have waited for them to discount further and then offer free shipping. Sometimes I don't get both, sometimes I do. Very important to internet shopping is to go looking for coupon codes before purchasing. I think for the most part I'm finished. I will be giving my parents cash since I don't know what they want and they never tell me when I ask. I know it's not as exciting as openning a gift but at the same time, it is always useful and appreciated. I have gone with gift cards in the past. They always tend to forget they have them or they lose them. So that's out for this year.

I got a $5.00 rebate check from the crock pot I purchased. Sold two more items on I hope to be able to put up a few more items today.

A Big Spending Day

November 28th, 2006 at 09:56 pm

Today was a big spend day. It started off with a not so simple car inspection. The mechanic called a little before lunch informing me that I would be needing 2 new tires, brakes and rotors and something that my car's computer was saying that I needed a couple of sensors replaced. I hate that darn check engine light!!! I seriously asked them if they could just disconnect the darn thing and they laughed and said no...that my car would certainly not pass inspection if they did that. As I write I still don't have an idea of how much all this will cost. I just know that it won't be cheap. Oh well I guess it is still better than a car payment every month.

After work DH and I went to lunch and had Thai. 20.00$ Then on to buy our dogfood 90.00$ The dog food is pretty expensive but it is certainly worth it. After, we went on to Costco we had to buy food stuff and items for the office 283.96$. Still no sitings of the Ninendo Wii.

Low Spend Day

November 26th, 2006 at 01:25 am

Today spent $3.00 at Wendy's,1 burger,1 fries and a small chili. Lunch for me and DD. Spent another $3.00 at the food store. I had to buy some celery for the soup and penne for the scampi. All and all a very low spend day.

Since the weather was beautiful today I did alot of yard work. My husband told me that I have been doing such a beautiful job in the yard even better than when we had the landscapers do it. I have noticed that more people in the neighborhood have started to take care of their own yards, I guess it is catching on.

Since my dog has finished his PT I have been taking him on progressively longer walks and his gait is getting much better. There is still a bit of a limp but at least he can go on walks. Unlike last year at this time...he couldn't go up the block and back.

I guess I will get ready to watch the Suze Orman show. Goodnight!

Shopping Today

November 14th, 2006 at 12:50 am

Did a lot of shopping today. Went to Walmart. Spent 73.00 used 20.00 in coupons. Went to the Hallmark store and bought DD a Vera Bradley bag for Christmas and received a free gift with purchase 54.00.

Next it was on to do the food shopping. Spent 98.00 at Shop Rite. That total is with 28.00 worth of coupons.

Made meatballs and pasta for dinner. Ice cream for dessert.

Happy Halloween!

November 1st, 2006 at 01:03 am

Happy Halloween! We had some of the cutest trick or treaters! Their costumes were really great. They were also very polite even the older ones. They all made sure they said thank you!( I love polite kids)Still have some candy left over but for the most part it went. My nephews came over to do their trick or treating in my neck of the woods and I have to say that they made out pretty well.

Made dinner and lunch today. Did a little food shopping saved about 25.00 instore coupons and manufacturers. My dollar trial is over for the grocery game and I only kept one of the stores on my list. This will cost me about 5.00 /mnth. I will try it for a little longer and see if I still like it. If not it is pretty easy to cancel.

Took Teddy(my dog) for his PT today he is really walking better. I am so happy. When I originally started taking him I was kind of skeptical about it. With only two sessions left he is doing great. His therapist is such a nice person. I will miss her. We gave her a thank you gift today for all her help. She was very appreciative.

Started looking around online for Christmas gifts and found some nice gifts for my daughter. Yesterday, Apple store had the ipod shuffle(refurbished for 29.00) I bought 2. One for my daughter and one for my nephew. I couldn't believe the price. I'm glad that I at least started. I hate when I wait until the last minute.


October 23rd, 2006 at 06:38 pm

Yesterday was my anniversary and to celebrate my husband took me to a very nice and expensive restaurant. He wanted to buy me a gift, card and flowers as well. But I said no. Why waste the money? I prefer that we save it and put it towards our goals. He was more than okay with that. So we settled on dinner out, something the both of us could enjoy.

Big mistake! Both the food and the service were lousey. The food was sparse to say the least. It didn't come with a salad, potatoe or vegetable . That was all extra. The bread that did come with the meal was cold and my creme brule was one of the worst I have ever had. The dinner tab came to $141.00+tip total came to $175.00. Can you believe we had to pay $6.00 for a small side of mashed potatoes? The food that we ordered wasn't exotic by any means. Rib eye steaks. Mine was a little burnt around the edges. Since we didn't order drinks with our meal our waiter didn't feel the need to give us his full attention, like the other patrons that were ordering bottles of wine. We don't drink and having water with our meals is our norm. This isn't the first place that ever gave us attitude because of this.
I have to say that I will not be visiting that establishment again. What a waste of money!

A Very Busy Spending Day

October 14th, 2006 at 10:57 pm

I took my daughter bra and underwear shopping today. She really needed them. For some reason the washer and dryer really chew up the underwear in my house. We went to Century 21 and I purchased 5 bra's, 6 underwear and 2 sweaters. Total$129.00

My daughter bought us lunch, 3 slices of pizza $5.70 we brought our own water. Very delicious pizza.

Next we made a stop at Kohl's. They were having a sale today. I purchased a bath mat, 2 vinyl table clothes and a ceramic pumkin candy dish(a thank you gift for my dogs physical therapist). Total=33.00

We had to stop at CVS for a birthday card and an engagement card. Total free. Used my extra care bucks.

I had to run out to the supermarket to get a can of chicken broth 0.75. Our supermarket now has the Red Box which rents new release movies through a big red machine. The price is 1.09 tax included/night to rent a new release movie. Pretty sweet deal as compared to Blockbuster which charges almost 5 bucks a night for a new rental.

All in all, I think I did pretty good. I got items that I needed at pretty decent prices and had a great time with my darling daughter.

Smart Savings

October 11th, 2006 at 07:30 pm

Went to the local supermarket yesterday, Super Stop and Shop. My total came to $175.69. My total after in store savings using my store card and my coupons came to $98.59. That's a savings of $77.10.

Today I will be going to CVS with a few coupons and I will be using my $15.00 in extra care bucks so I'm hoping that my purchases will be free.

My daughter was looking up the price for one way tickets from Burlington Vermont to New York. As of yesterday the price was 159.00. I told her to wait until Wednesday and she would most likely see the price drop. Sure enough, it did, the same ticket today is only 92.00 plus tax. I think what happens is the airlines see what is left over on Tuesday and the prices go on sale on Wednesday. This was the first time trying this trick and it worked. She will be purchasing her ticket later today. Thanks to good old Mom's smart savings.

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