Home > A Very Nice Day

A Very Nice Day

September 9th, 2006 at 10:59 pm

Today was a very nice day. Went hiking in a state park with my daughter. Hiked about 5 miles and then had a nice picnic lunch. The weather was really beautiful... a great day to be outside.
I paid of my balance on my Capital One card today. I'm hoping not to use it again for a very long time. I do have to say that I really like that card. It is at 6.9% and they offer a longer grace period than my other cards. So the only other card I have outstanding right now is my Washington Mutual card with it's promotional interest rate of 0.0%, until January. Which I will have the entire balance paid off by November. That will be a relief. I am going to try and not use them for a while and see how it goes. I'm really pretty good with the cards but I know I can do better.
I thought that I would have to buy new sneakers this weekend. The pair I was wearing was getting kind of ratty looking, so I thought, let me put them in the washer and see how they come out. I hadn't much success with this in the past. The insides would normally fall out and then they would be very uncomfortable to wear. But today they came out looking brand new. I put a little Clorox two on them and scrubbed the outsides with a brush and then through them in the machine with a little detergent on the gentle cycle and then I let them air dry. They really came out great. They actually look brand new and I didn't mess up the insides. Saved about 50.00 dollars.
Got to get ready to watch The Suze Orman Show.

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